Preparing for Natural and Intentional Disasters

One of the key responsibilities of state agencies is to mitigate the effects of emergencies and disasters on the people of California. Several agencies and offices within the Administration have specific emergency preparedness and response roles. Coordination the activities of these entities, at both budgetary and programmatic levels, is critical to improving California's ability to respond to an emergency.

The Administration has convened the Governor's Emergency Operations Executive Council (GEOEC), led by the Office of Emergency Services (OES) and the Office of Homeland Security (OHS). Member agencies and departments include the California National Guard, Health and Human Services Agency, Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, Veterans' Affairs, California Highway Patrol, Department of Health Services (DHS) and Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA), among others.

Executive Order S-04-06, issued on April 18, 2006, assigned the GEOEC three major tasks:

  • Providing information to the Governor, Legislature, local agencies and public on pending emergency conditions that threaten public health and safety.
  • Developing a consolidated set of budget, legislative and administrative recommendations to improve state prevention and response capabilities to deal with pending threats to public health and safety.
  • Assisting in emergency preparedness management, response, recovery and mitigation efforts.

CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Preparing for Natural and Intentional Disasters Back to Top

 Major Accomplishments in 2006-07
 Gap Analysis

Budget Summary - Preparing for Natural and Intentional Disasters (pdf * - 4K) -
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