Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
Fair Political Practices Commission

The Fair Political Practices Commission has primary responsibility for the impartial administration, implementation, and enforcement of the Political Reform Act of 1974, as amended by the voters and Legislature. The objectives of the Political Reform Act include: ensuring election campaign expenditure data is fully and accurately disclosed, allowing voters to be fully informed and to inhibit improper financial practices; regulating the activities of lobbyists and disclosure of their finances to prevent any improper influencing of public officials; providing for the disclosure of assets and income of public officials, which may affect their official actions, to avoid any conflicts of interest; ensuring the state ballot pamphlet contains useful and adequate information so voters will not be dependent upon paid advertising for information concerning state measures; eliminating laws and practices unfairly favoring incumbents to provide for fair elections; and, providing adequate mechanisms to public officials and to private citizens to ensure vigorous enforcement of the Act.

The Governor's Budget includes $8 million General Fund, which reflects an increase of $606,000 above the revised 2006-07 Budget.

The Governor's Budget includes $604,000 General Fund and 4.7 positions to support workload growth. Over several years, the scope of work performed by the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) and the magnitude of legislation impacting FPPC workload has resulted in significant backlogs in investigations, responses to inquiries, issuance of legal opinions, and other activities. The FPPC has embarked on a multi-year plan to acquire sufficient staff to meet mandatory workload demands.

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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for General Government Back to Top

 Major Accomplishments in 2006-07
 Proposed General Government Spending for 2007-08
 Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
  Public Utilities Commission
  Department of Food and Agriculture
 image of black pointing arrowFair Political Practices Commission
  Department of Finance
  Military Department
  Department of Veterans Affairs
  Medicare Part D
  State Employee Compensation
  General Fund Unallocated Reductions
  Economic Recovery Bond Pre-Payment

Budget Summary - General Government (pdf * - 59K) -
Provides this entire General Government Chapter in pdf format.

Proposed Budget Detail - General Government
Displays Proposed Budget Detail information for General Government.