The California Strategic Growth Plan

To assure that public funds are utilized as efficiently as possible and in a manner consistent with the stated intent of already authorized and proposed future bond measures, firm accountability requirements will govern the expenditure of funds. Prior to any funding being expended from existing or future bonds, the responsible state agencies must develop performance and outcome measures for each program and project that would be funded from the bonds. Regular audits will be conducted to ensure that funds are being allocated according to those outcome criteria and that the implemented programs and projects did in fact achieve the intended outcomes. It is imperative that the public be able to access this information. The voters have an absolute right to know how the bonds they authorized are being spent. Therefore, outcome and performance criteria, as well as audit results, will be made readily available to the public.

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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for The California Strategic Growth Plan Back to Top

 Public Safety
 K-12 Education
 Higher Education
 Flood Control and Water Supply
 Other Natural Resources
 Other Public Service
image of black pointing arrowAccountability

Budget Summary - The California Strategic Growth Plan (pdf * - 91K) -
Provides this entire The California Strategic Growth Plan Chapter in pdf format.