Environmental Protection

  • Brownfields are abandoned industrial or commercial properties that are contaminated by hazardous materials. Typically, brownfields are located in urban areas on land that would otherwise be valuable for infill residential or business uses. Cities and counties are routinely interested in eliminating the blighted conditions of these properties, aware that their redevelopment will optimize the use of existing infrastructure, limit urban sprawl, and protect natural resources. In order to bring these properties back to usable condition, various cleanup activities are required, and the state plays a critical role in overseeing the cleanup efforts.
  • The Water Board and the Department of Toxic Substances Control administer voluntary brownfield cleanup programs to assist local governments and private developers in the cleanup of brownfield sites. The Budget includes $3.1 million Cleanup and Abatement Account and 25.1 positions for the Water Board to accelerate the cleanup of approximately 750 brownfield sites. The Budget also includes $219,000 special funds and 1.9 positions for the Department of Toxic Substances Control to implement three brownfields-related measures signed into law in 2006: SB 354 (Chapter 523), SB 989 (Chapter 510), and AB 2144 (Chapter 562).
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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Environmental Protection Back to Top

 California Global Warming Solutions Act
 Proposition 1B Implementation
 Hydrogen Highway
 Proposition 84 - Water Quality
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