0750 Office of the Lieutenant Governor
Mission Statement

Under California's Constitution, the Lieutenant Governor serves as Acting Governor whenever the Governor is absent from the state, and automatically becomes Governor if a vacancy occurs in the Office of Governor. The Lieutenant Governor is also President of the Senate and votes in case of a tie.

The Lieutenant Governor serves as a voting member of the Board of Regents of the University of California and a voting member of the Board of Trustees of the California State University system.

The Lieutenant Governor also serves on, and rotates with the State Controller, as chair of the three-member State Lands Commission, which oversees the control and leasing of millions of acres of state-owned land, including offshore oil resources, as well as use and permitting for all navigable waterways in California. The Commission also manages state land-use planning and revenues, and related interstate issues. As the chair of the State Lands Commission, the Lieutenant Governor also serves on the Ocean Protection Council.

In addition, under state statutes, the Lieutenant Governor chairs the California Commission for Economic Development, which provides support and guidance for the development of California's economy. The Lieutenant Governor is also a member of the State Job Training Coordinating Council and the California Emergency Council.