Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
Adult Local Assistance

The May Revision includes $16.9 million to fully fund local entities for costs incurred for the prosecution of inmate crimes, housing state inmates, and various other county services related to state inmates.

The Governor's Budget provided $15.3 million for the costs associated with prosecuting crimes committed by state inmates and other county services related to state inmates. Based on claims received, the projected total cost of claims for 2007-08, including the outstanding balance from 2006-07, will be $24.6 million, resulting in a shortfall of $9.3 million. The May Revision includes $7.8 million in one-time funding for 2007-08 to pay the outstanding current-year claims, along with $1.5 million to adequately fund the base to pay projected claims in 2007-08.

In 2005-06, the Administration, working with representatives of local law enforcement entities, created a methodology to establish the Daily Jail Rate based on the state's costs to house similar inmates and provide routine medical care. At that time, the Administration committed to reassessing and revising the Daily Jail Rate each year based on this methodology. The revised Daily Jail Rate for 2007-08 will increase from $71.57 to $77.17. The May Revision includes an additional $1.5 million to reimburse local entities for the costs of housing state inmates and supplying routine medical care at the revised rate. The May Revision also includes $6.1 million to reimburse the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department for the delay in moving inmates out of the Pitchess Detention Center.

Finally, the May Revision proposes statutory changes intended to ensure that local entities submit their claims to either the CDCR or the State Controller in a timely manner.

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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Corrections and Rehabilitation Back to Top

 Expansion of Capacity and Rehabilitative Programs
 Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
  Anti-Gang Efforts
  Adult Inmate/Parolee Population/Caseload Changes
 image of black pointing arrowAdult Local Assistance
  Other Adult Population Adjustments
  Ward/Parolee Population/Caseload Changes
  Correctional Health Care Services
  Update to the Local Housing of the Juvenile Justice Population
  California Adult Probation Accountability and Rehabilitation Act

Revised Budget Summary - Corrections and Rehabilitation (pdf * - 13K) -
Provides the entire Corrections and Rehabilitation Chapter in pdf format.

Revised Budget Detail - Corrections and Rehabilitation
Displays Revised Budget Detail information for Corrections and Rehabilitation.

Proposed Budget Summary - Corrections and Rehabilitation (January 2007)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for Corrections and Rehabilitation.