The California Strategic Growth Plan

The single most important indicator of a state's creditworthiness and ability to carry debt is the existence of a balanced budget capable of handling its debt load without the need to cut other existing programs to pay debt service. While the SGP will increase the state's debt load over the next 10 years, under this plan state debt service will remain within prudent bounds into the foreseeable future. Figure INF-03 displays the state's debt payments and debt ratio into the future under the SGP.

image of backward arrow  

CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for The California Strategic Growth Plan Back to Top

 Strategic Growth Coordination and Sustainability
 Providing Performance Based Infrastructure (PBI)
 Flood Control and Water Supply
 K-12 Education
 Higher Education
 Public Safety
 Other Public Service
image of black pointing arrowAffordability

Budget Summary - The California Strategic Growth Plan (pdf * - 279K) -
Provides this entire The California Strategic Growth Plan Chapter in pdf format.