Labor and Workforce Development

The Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA) supports and protects California workers and employers. The LWDA is primarily responsible for three activities: (1) labor law enforcement, (2) workforce development, and (3) benefit payment and adjudication. The primary objective of the LWDA is to serve workers and employers by coordinating its many services and programs in a manner that is efficient, effective, and relevant to current and future economic conditions.

The proposed budget was constructed first by computing the workload budget funding level. From the workload budget, adjustments are made to reflect specific policy adjustments and reductions, including budget-balancing reductions. With these adjustments, the Governor's Budget includes $12.1 billion ($97.9 million General Fund and $12 billion other funds) and 11,833.7 positions for the various entities within the LWDA, and reflects an increase of $427.3 million (a decrease of $6.5 million General Fund and an increase of $433.8 million other funds) or 3.7 percent over the revised 2007-08 Budget. Change Table LWD-01 illustrates the major changes proposed to LWDA spending in the Governor's Budget.

CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Labor and Workforce Development Back to Top

 Proposed Workload Budget
 Proposed Budget-Balancing Reductions
 Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments

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Proposed Budget Detail - Labor and Workforce Development
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