Higher Education
UC and CSU Fees and Enrollments

For 2008-09, the student fee provisions of the Compact are maintained and the segments will continue to take new students reflecting the following:

  • Fee Levels-Undergraduate fees increase to $7,126 (7.4 percent) for UC and to $3,048 (10 percent) for CSU. Graduate fees increase to $7,986 (7.4 percent) for UC, to $3,540 (10 percent) for CSU teacher preparation students, and to $3,756 (10 percent) for other CSU graduate programs. Despite these increases, fees at UC remain below the average of other comparable research universities and CSU fees remain the lowest among comparable comprehensive public colleges.
  • Enrollment Growth-While the budget does not provide additional enrollment growth funding, the segments plan to meet or exceed the budgeted levels of instruction delivery funded in 2007-08. Specifically, the UC is continuing to accept all qualified students despite being overenrolled by over 4,000 FTE students in 2007-08. CSU appears to be sustaining overenrollments in 2008-09 of 8,000 FTE students, notwithstanding their implementation of enrollment strategies that were intended to maintain access only for fully qualified students applying within established timeframes.
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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Higher Education Back to Top

image of black pointing arrowUC and CSU Fees and Enrollments
 Community Colleges
 Career Technical Education Initiative
 Nurse Education Initiative
 CCC Student Success Initiative
 Sale of EdFund
 University of California
 California State University
 California Community Colleges
 Hastings College of the Law
 Student Aid Commission

Enacted Budget Summary - Higher Education (pdf * - 195K) -
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Enacted Budget Detail - Higher Education
Displays Enacted Budget Detail information for Higher Education.