8320 Public Employment Relations Board
Budget-Balancing Reductions
  • The Budget includes General Fund reductions of $0.510 million in 2008-09 and $0.650 million in 2009-10. The major budget balancing reductions include:

  • 2008-09

    Eliminating the funding for fact finding contracts will result in a savings of $0.085 million and 0.0 personnel years for Fact Finding.

    Closing the Oakland Regional Office will result in savings of $0.140 million and 0.0 personnel years for the Oakland Office.

    Eliminating funding for legal support staff will result in savings of $0.130 million and 2.0 personnel years for the General Counsel's Office.

    Eliminating the funding for travel, library purchases, and Human Resources personnel will result in savings of $0.155 million and 1.0 personnel year for Administrative Services.

  • 2009-10

    Eliminating the funding for fact finding contracts will result in a savings of $0.085 million and 0.0 personnel years for Fact Finding.

    Closing the Oakland Regional Office will result in savings of $0.280 million and 0.0 personnel years for the Oakland Office.

    Eliminating funding for legal support staff will result in savings of $0.130 million and 2.0 personnel years for the General Counsel's Office.

    Eliminating the funding for travel, library purchases, and Human Resources personnel will result in savings of $0.155 million and 1.0 personnel year for Administrative Services.