4170 Department of Aging
Mission Statement

The Department's mission is to promote the independence and well-being of older adults, adults with disabilities, and families through:

  • Access to information and services to improve the quality of their lives;
  • Opportunities for community involvement;
  • Support to family members providing care; and
  • Collaboration with other state and local agencies.

As the designated State Unit on Aging, the Department administers Older Americans Act programs that provide a wide variety of community-based supportive services as well as congregate and home-delivered meals. It also administers the Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program. The Department also contracts directly with agencies that operate the Multipurpose Senior Services Program.

The Department administers most of these programs through contracts with the state's 33 local Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs). At the local level, AAAs contract for and coordinate this array of community-based services to older adults, adults with disabilities, family caregivers and residents of long-term care facilities.