Proposed Higher Education Spending for 2007-08
Higher Education Student Enrollment

Enrollment levels for the UC and the CSU are driven by projections of eligible students in accordance with the Master Plan for Higher Education. Consistent with the enrollment projections of the Demographic Research Unit within the Department of Finance, enrollments are estimated to grow by an average of 2.5 percent annually over the next five years. Historically for CCC, a minimum level of enrollment growth is calculated based upon the change in adult population from year to year. While this calculation guides the minimum level of growth funding, the Administration and Legislature have exercised discretion to provide more funding to respond to changing enrollment demands. In most years, CCC has received growth funding in excess of the growth in the adult population in order to respond to key variables that drive enrollments at community colleges such as unemployment and market demand. With budgeted growth for the three public higher education segments, the overall increase in the number of students expected to be served in 2007-08 is 35,753 full-time equivalent students (FTES) for a total of 1,749,545 FTES (see Figure HED-07).

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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Higher Education Back to Top

 Major Accomplishments in 2006-07
 Proposed Higher Education Spending for 2007-08
  Funding by Segment for 2007-08
 image of black pointing arrowHigher Education Student Enrollment
  Student Fees
  Workload Adjustments
 Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments

Budget Summary - Higher Education (pdf * - 181K) -
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Proposed Budget Detail - Higher Education
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