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Bar chart displaying Revenue Sources for Community Colleges for 2005-06 (actual), 2006-07 (estimated), and 2007-08 (estimated).  All dollars are in millions.  State Funds-General, Lottery, and Other: 2005-06 is $4,125.7 (53.1%), 2006-07 is $4,520.8 (54.5%), and 2007-08 is $4,689.8 (54.4%).  Local Property Taxes: 2005-06 is $1,802.7 (23.2%), 2006-07 is $1,857.4 (22.4%), and 2007-08 is $2,050.5 (23.8%).  Local Miscellaneous and Debt Service: 2005-06 is $1,241.7 (16.0%), 2006-07 is $1,326.9 (16.0%), and 2007-08 is $1,326.9 (15.4%).  Federal Funds: 2005-06 is $249.8 (3.2%), 2006-07 is $267.0 (3.2%), and 2007-08 is $267.0 (3.1%).  Student Fees: 2005-06 is $344.9 (4.4%), 2006-07 is $321.7 (3.9%), and 2007-08 is $281.9 (3.3%).
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