Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
California Highway Patrol

The Department of California Highway Patrol (CHP) patrols over 105,000 miles of freeways, state highways, and county roads, with a primary focus in traffic law enforcement, investigation of vehicle collisions, homeland security, Capitol and dignitary protection, air operations and support, and services to motorists. The Budget proposes $1.9 billion and 11,196 positions. This is an increase of $35.7 million and 227.1 positions above the 2007-08 Budget.

The Budget proposes funding to add 120 uniformed positions and 44 support positions ($21.6 million Motor Vehicle Account) to address workload growth associated with population growth, including the increased number of licensed drivers, and development of new communities and the resulting increased traffic congestion and number of collisions.

The CHP projects this statewide staffing augmentation will enable an increase in proactive patrol hours by approximately 68,000 hours when positions are filled. Proactive road patrol provides a significant deterrent to motorists who violate the law and enhances security through increased officer presence. Increased staffing also reduces response times to major collisions and persons needing assistance on state highways. The Budget also reflects limited-term savings reflecting the time it will take to graduate enough officers from the CHP Academy to fill all 6,973 positions by 2012-13.

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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Business, Transportation, and Housing Back to Top

 Proposed Workload Budget
 Proposed Budget-Balancing Reductions
 Other Special Session Issues
 Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
  Transportation Programs
  Transportation Revenue
  Motor Vehicle Account
 image of black pointing arrowCalifornia Highway Patrol
  Department of Motor Vehicles
  Business and Housing
  Department of Housing and Community Development

Budget Summary - Business, Transportation, and Housing (pdf * - 294K) -
Provides this entire Business, Transportation, and Housing Chapter in pdf format.

Proposed Budget Detail - Business, Transportation, and Housing
Displays Proposed Budget Detail information for Business, Transportation, and Housing.