3540 Department of Forestry & Fire Protection
Major Program Changes
  • Emergency Response Initiative - The Budget includes $41.6 million to enhance CAL FIRE's fire protection capabilities, including (1) $29.9 million Emergency Response Fund to fund four-person staffing on all engines during peak and transition fire seasons and to provide administrative support for the additional staffing, (2) $11.4 million Emergency Response Fund to begin implementation of an information technology project to upgrade CAL FIRE's Wide Area Network, and (3) $265,000 and 1.4 positions to improve coordination with the state and federal military for the use of aviation assets during major fire disasters.

  • Emergency Fund - The Budget includes $189 million for emergency fire suppression costs. This amount is based on a five-year average of $222 million in emergency fire suppression costs, and the establishment of a new cost recovery unit that is estimated to recover an additional $33 million in reimbursements to the state. The Budget proposes $1.4 million General Fund and 19 positions to establish the new cost recovery unit.

  • Proposition 84 - The Budget includes $5.4 million Proposition 84 funds to continue an urban greening grant program. This is the third year of the Proposition 84 funded program.